Saturday 29 May 2010

What do Tories REALLY stand for?

Given so many conflicting messages, observers could be forgiven for not having the slightest idea what the Tories stand for.

PM David Cameron ascended to the Tory leadership on the promise the party had to change. However, as chief architect of the preceding manifesto, he himself authored the views he advocated change from.

Tories campaigned for the 2010 election on the platform of the "Big Society" (whatever that might mean, it sounds very Orwellian). However, his not too distant predecessor Maggie Thatcher famously declared "There is no such thing as society".

In its first few days of office the new administration declares it will (quite sensibly) cut schools free of central control, by way of creating loads of so-called "academies". However, it was not that long ago the ill-fated leader William Hague (now miraculously resurrected to frontline politics after humiliating 2001 electoral defeat) issued a diktat calling for compulsory school uniforms, ie centralized interference in the extreme.

Meanwhile, Home Secretary Theresa May, after voting against gay adoption in 2002 and against the repeal of Section 28 - the law which banned councils from "promoting" homosexuality - in 2000, conveniently declares she has "changed her mind" and now supports gay adoption!

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